4 Quick Tech Fixes for a Smooth Valentine's Day - safnow.org

Valentine’s Day (on a Friday, sigh, on a long weekend, double sigh) has plenty of variables you can’t control. One thing you can be in charge of: Knowing the tech you have in-store and how to make some quick fixes to ensure a smooth holiday.

Society of American Florists President Chris Drummond, AAF, PFCI, of Penny’s by Plaza Flowers in metro Philadelphia recently dished three quick “tech fixes” every shop can implement ahead of Valentine’s Day.

Know your tools. It might sound obvious, but the first thing you should review is how much you and your staff know about the tech you are using. Have you unlocked all of your POS resources? Are there tools in the system that confuse you? “I’m surprised by how many florists don’t realize all of the delivery tools available to them,” Drummond said. “It’s really important to learn how to use those for the holiday — or to delegate someone to learn and then train others.”

Develop workarounds.  Discounts are an age-old approach and can be a successful strategy, particularly when it comes to nudging customers toward early ordering and early delivery options. But making a discount easily accessible online isn’t always as easy as it sounds, Drummond admitted. “Depending on who hosts your website, you may have limited options for banners and coupons,” he said. “Some florists can use their content management system to create a product code for a discount, which is a good workaround.”

Allow timed deliveries. In this age of procrastinating shoppers and instant gratification, you can bet that some customers will want deliveries that take place FAST or in a set window. Timed deliveries present logistical challenges to florists, for sure, but they can be a profit center if priced correctly. Drummond, who was able to automate his system to allow for “after,” “before” and “at” timed deliveries, suggests florists explore the tech they have to see if they can do the same — or strategize a plan to make the service as seamless as possible for staff.

Assign staff for key roles. Be sure to have staff members assigned to monitor and respond to important tech and sales activity. For instance, if you have a design that isn’t selling fast enough, you can move it around on the website to pique customers’ interest. Another critical role: Be sure someone is tasked with responding to reviews and managing your online reputation as customer feedback comes in.

Watch the entire 30-minute webinar from Drummond. 

Mary Westbrook is the editor in chief of Floral Management magazine.

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