Enhance Your Website with These 4 Tips - safnow.org

web rendering for enhancementsAs restrictions ease across America and florists are either reopening after being closed or simply getting back into the flow of a more “normal” routine, you need to make sure your shop stands out.

SAF has pulled together four tips from our past webinar series, Small Web Fixes, Big Results, that can help you make sure your website stands out from the crowd.

  • Highlight styles that attract the right clients. Make sure the styles you’re highlighting on your website are the styles that your target clients want to see. For example, are quick $1,500 weddings that fit with your retail business operations your goal? Then highlight small arrangements. But if you want showstopper 5-figure-plus weddings, get rid of those bouquets and focus on hanging installations and bigger arrangements.
  • Change your verbiage. Make sure that the verbiage throughout your website focuses on the client and their point of view. Small changes like shifting “Contact Us” to “Check My Event Date” can lead to huge increases in inquiries. By changing it from “us” to “them” you are flipping the wording to the client’s point of view. Also make sure you tell customers that you are open! Many customers are checking florists’ websites before they order, and they don’t know if you are able to take orders if you don’t tell them. You can use our web and social banners to help convey that message.
  • Avoid link paralysis. Limit the number of links and dropdowns on your homepage to ensure that visitors don’t get overwhelmed with too many choices. If potential customers have too many choices, they might not know where to go and could end up leaving your website prematurely.
  • Utilize Google Analytics and add UTM Tags. Google Analytics is a free way to help you see where the traffic on your website is coming from. UTM tags, through Google Analytics, are codes that are attached to the end of your URL to track what brought customers to your site. For example, a UTM code showing http://www.twistedwillow.co/?utm_channel=theknot lets you know that the customer came to your site through The Knot. This is an important tool to measure the conversion rate of where visitors are coming from versus how many complete a sale and ultimately see where there is more opportunity to focus on.

For more tips on enhancing your website, watch Small Web Fixes, Big Results Parts 1 and 2 here.

Stephanie Brady is the Project Coordinator for the Society of American Florists.

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