3 Quick Ways to Maximize Mother’s Day - safnow.org

Pick up the phone. Plan your media strategy. Prune your online offerings. As the countdown to Mother’s Day ticks down, there are still things you can do to maximize holiday sales.

In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, Society of American Florists CEO Kate Penn hosted a Facebook Live video recapping advice gleaned from industry members about how to generate Mother’s Days sales. One year later, even though COVID restrictions are gradually lifting, many of the lessons still apply — especially as the industry continues to experience supply shortages and heightened consumer interest in flowers.

  1. Update your website. “What we’ve heard from many of our webinar speakers is that less is more,” Penn said. “You don’t want to promote dozens of options right now. You might not even be able to get that large a variety of flowers, and you need to make the workload more realistic for your design staff.” Curated collections are quicker (and more profitable) to replicate. Also push flowering plants, gourmet food items, and “designer’s choice” arrangements — and make sure you’ve updated your site to show current prices and available delivery windows.
  2. Plan your media strategy now. Designate a specific team member to answer any questions should a reporter call or show up at your shop. Prepare for that possibility by studying talking points and honing your shop’s “voice” with your team. Questions this year will likely focus around supply. Click here for tips on how to keep it positive while talking to the media and customers.
  3. Use some old-fashioned techniques. Call last year’s customers who haven’t ordered yet and remind them of the approaching holiday. Ask if they have a relative out-of-town who needs flowers. Don’t rush the call; enjoy the conversation. “We’re all so used to transactional calls,” Penn said. “If you go the extra mile and make it conversational, the customer will remember what a pleasant experience they had with you.”

Struggling to understand the supply issues? Check out our webinar on the supply chain here.

For more advice, visit the SAF Mother’s Day Resource Center.

Jennifer McNally is the interim editor of SAF NOW.

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