Make a Congressional Connection this Summer -

When most people think about Congress and federal policy, they think about what takes place in Washington, D.C. — which can feel far removed from your hometown. But summer offers a way to bring Congress to your doorstep.

The Society of American Florists holds an annual “fly-in,” Congressional Action Days (CAD), which gives SAF members the opportunity to work collaboratively and engage with House and Senate members and their staffs on issues impacting the industry. However, a great — but often overlooked — time to meet with your member of Congress is when he or she is back home for the August recess.

Take Advantage of the August Recess

The August recess is the unofficial name for a “district work period” that lasts four to five weeks in the summer. Members of Congress leave the Capitol and head home to meet with constituents and work from the district or state offices. This period offers an opportunity for SAF members to meet with their elected officials and their staff — or invite them to your business.

These more locally based meetings often go longer than the typical 15-minute meeting you might have in D.C., and local staffers are more likely to be familiar with your town or region. It’s a great way to build a relationship, which can provide a foundation for future requests.

To schedule August recess meetings, contact the district office manager or district scheduler via email through your Congressional member’s website. If you email a meeting request and don’t hear back within a week, don’t hesitate to reach out again. Staffers are busy and coordinating schedules can be complicated, so don’t take a slow response personally.

Meeting Prep 101

Make sure you are prepared to talk about the issues you would like to cover during the meeting. Try not to cover more than three or four topics in one meeting. Explain why the issue is important to you and your business. Need help narrowing it down? For descriptions and supporting documents on some of the key legislative and regulatory issues SAF is focused on, click here. Need additional guidance? SAF’s government relations team can give you some pointers. Reach out to Katie Butler ( for assistance. In addition, bring business cards so staff know how to contact you for potential follow up.

If you head into a meeting that was scheduled to be with the member, but it ends up being with the member’s staff, don’t be disappointed. It is typically easier to build a relationship with a staffer, and they often have more expertise in specific subjects you care about. In addition, their recommendations to the member can go a long way.

If you don’t know the answer to a question that’s asked, don’t hesitate to say you don’t know. It is completely appropriate to say you will follow up with an answer, and it’s an effective way to solidify your plan for the critical follow up. Frequently, people will meet with an office, check the box, and move on. But the follow-up is crucial. It offers the opportunity to thank the member for the meeting, share additional information, and offer yourself as a resource when they have pertinent issues in the future.

Setting up a local meeting, preparing for it and following up is key to developing a relationship with your Congressional offices. Creating these connections will better position you and the industry to respond to future legislative opportunities —  and challenges.

Joe Bischoff is the Society of American Florists’ Senior lobbyist.

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