Advocate for Your Bottom Line by Inviting Congress to Call -

Several issues in Congress, such as the renewal of the GSP which would reinstate duty-free Ecuadorian roses, have the power to affect your bottom line.  Congress’ August recess provides an opportunity to invite legislators to your business so they can see why these issues are important and how they impact your business.

SAF has resources that will help you plan these recess visits by answering questions such as:

  • Where do I start?” Find out who your representative and two Senators are.
  • What is the best way to contact my lawmaker?” Email or call your legislator in Washington D.C. or in their district office.
  • What more can I do?” Attend town hall meetings in your district and participate in SAFPAC to support the industry’s only political action committee.

Check out SAF’s Grassroots Guide for more tips and follow these best practices to have successful visits this month.

Stephanie Brady is the communications and event coordinator for the Society of American Florists.

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