Presentation Tips: Pre-Show Preparation -

Presentation Tips: Pre-Show Preparation

  • “Try and spend one-half day with your designers. Get acquainted with the trade fair and exhibitors and their merchandise. This will help you be better prepared.” – Richard Seaboldt AAF AIFD PFCIPFCI_logo_V_2011_small2
  • “Read trade magazines, bridal magazines and shelter magazines to gather trend ideas about what is popular and in fashion.” – Mary Lee Evans AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Ask questions of the attendees like, ‘Why did you come?’ or ‘What did you want to learn today?’ to encourage them to tell you what’s on their mind instead of trying to read their minds.” – Wanda Brady AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Index cards. I brainstorm ideas on a theme and jot key ideas down. When time allows, I look up and research these themes, add the notes to my cards and this helps to build my knowledge. Sometimes I gather up ‘show and tell’ information (such as color wheels, magazine articles) and show them from stage. These items are in my ‘bag of tricks’ that I use from stage.” – Richard Salvaggio AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “I shop the wholesale house – just like the customers who are in my audience do. I bring the show specials to the stage and incorporate them into the program. During commentary I try to identify the raw materials for the audience – so they will know exactly what to get to recreate a similar look.” – J Schwanke AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “It is important to determine what is expected. Should it be primarily inspirational, informational or sales oriented? Gather up all items you think you’ll need (like show specials, the SAF Care and Handling Manual and other reference tools) to show the audience the source of your information.” – Steve Brickner AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Avoid distractions. Stay totally focused on your subject.” – Lynn Lary McLean AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Good communication with show contacts. Assume nothing! If anything – over communicate the details.” – Carol Caggiano AIFD PFCI
  • “Memorize and internalize the designers’ names and their backgrounds. It makes the job easier.” – Arliss Krieger PFCI
  • “Organization. Get a laptop computer and put all the information you have on it – so it will be at your fingertips. Take it with you when you travel.” – Kevin Ylvisaker AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Learn every product name. Get to know your designers on a first name basis and become comfortable with them.” – Frank Brice AIFD PFCI
  • “Visit shops in the town where the show is and see what the trends are in the local vicinity. This will let you know who your audience really is!” – Kathi Thomas AIFD PFCI
  • “Read, Read, Read. Reading helps you with your phrasing, vocabulary and spontaneity. Review floral terms and techniques. Jot down floral tips, new marketing ideas, etc…” – Alan Parkhurst AIFD PFCI
  • “Preparation, Preparation, Preparation. Know your audience. Be a first class you and not a second rate anyone else!” – Frankie Shelton AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Be alert. Be prepared. Know the schedule and what is happening when and where. Ask key questions until you have enough detail.” – Jack Baker AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Preview the designers’ creations and anticipate what points you want to make about the designs.” – Jason McCollum AIFD PFCI
  • “Always ask yourself, ‘Is it in my best interest to accept this invitation to speak?’ If you don’t have time to prepare – and do your homework properly – the audience will suffer. When you accept an engagement – request full details.” – Lena Malouf AIFD PFCI
  • “Involve everyone and pump them up to do their best ever.” – William E. Santos AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Prepare and then over-prepare. Ask questions of the audience.” – Ardith E. Beveridge AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Quiet study and review time is essential. Acquaint yourself with the physical location. Understand the needs of your hosts.” – Colene White AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Situational elements are key. What is the size of the group? What kind of facilities will you have? How will the seating be arranged? Knowing these things will help you plan effectively.” – Richard Milteer AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “All year long I collect articles and place them in subject files. On the days just before the show I go through the files which pertain to the show’s subjects gathering ideas to share with my audience.” – Joey Schwanke AAF AIFD PFCI

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