Helpful Hints & Suggestions for the PFCI Audition DVD -





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Helpful Hints & Suggestions for the PFCI Audition DVD

by | Jul 22, 2015 | Events & Education


The PFCI Board of Trustees can only evaluate what it sees and hears on your audition presentation. Here is what the PFCI Board of Trustees is looking for when watching your audition:

  • Watch the video PFCI Audition Presentation Guidelines posted at
  • Show us your best. The audition DVD should be your highest quality presentation.
  • Tally your points on the Audition DVD Presentation Evaluation Form. How do you evaluate your audition?
  • Your audition DVD or Flash Drive should not exceed 30 minutes. You may edit your presentation to show us your best. Editing your DVD is not necessary, but is recommended.
  • Test each DVD to make sure they play, they are the right presentation, and you can be seen and heard.
  • Audience is not necessary, but is recommended as it helps with your emotional presentation.
  • We need to see you as the lead presenter, not as co- commentator.
  • Make sure the DVD shows your Opening. Your Opening should include you introducing yourself, you thanking your host and sponsor, and you giving an overview of the program. Even if someone introduces you, you still need to introduce yourself.
  • Show excitement and passion for the topic. Smile!
  • If you are giving a design demonstration, describe what you are doing as you demonstrate.
  • Use and explain terminology correctly.
  • If talking about care and handling, present proper techniques.
  • Give proper identification to products. Before beginning a presentation, review the products being used so you can share their proper names with your audience.
  • Avoid “dead air” words, such as “um” and “uh.” Pause instead. (See video for suggestions)
  • Always repeat audience questions so everyone can hear.
  • Interact and engage your audience. We want to see a rapport between you and your audience.
  • Avoid turning your back to the audience and camera.
  • Don’t be trapped behind a table or podium. Come out and interact with your audience.
  • Do not use inappropriate language or make inappropriate innuendos.
  • Wear professional attire. (See video for suggestions)
  • Note cards are fine; place them next to designs or on a table or podium for quick reference.
  • When using PowerPoint, vocalize and expand on the points listed on the slide, but do not read the slide verbatim.
  • Be natural. Avoid sounding too scripted or rehearsed. Avoid memorizing lines.
  • Be positive. Do not make negative remarks about industry businesses or members.
  • Watch your body language. Maintain eye contact with your audience and avoid leaning on tables when sitting.
  • Make sure the DVD shows your Closing. In Closing, review your program’s goals. Relate closing to the opening — tie the bow at the end. And thank your audience, host and sponsor.

For more advice, watch the video PFCI Audition Presentation Guidelines posted at



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