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Teleflora’s Call for Nominations

by | Jun 9, 2016 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments


Teleflora is accepting nominations for its 2nd annual Tom Butler “Floral Retailer of the Year” Award. The recipient will be honored at the American Floral Endowment (AFE) Fundraising Dinner in conjunction with SAF Maui 2016 in September.

In 2015 Teleflora established the Honorary Award to honor Tom Butler, Teleflora’s past chairman, and recognize a retail florist and Teleflora member that best embodies Tom’s legacy. Last year’s winner was Ken Freytag of Freytag’s Florist. In addition to running a first-class retail operation, award winners show the highest level of commitment and service to their local community, are dedicated ambassadors to the floral industry, and provide leadership and guidance to fellow florists.

Nominations for the 2nd Annual Tom Butler “Floral Retailer of the Year” Award are being accepted through July 1, 2016. To nominate a retail florist, visit

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