50 Ways to Profit with Tropicals - safnow.org





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50 maneras de sacar provecho de los trópicos

by | Aug 4, 2016 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments

Tim Farrell, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, of Farrell’s Florist in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, will present “Hawaii-50” at SAF Maui 2016.

Tim Farrell, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, of Farrell’s Florist in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, will present “Hawaii-50” at SAF Maui 2016.

Get your eyes and iPhones on 50 fabulous designs in “Hawaii-50,” a fast-paced, Pinterest-friendly, made-to-Instagram session at SAF Maui 2016, the association’s 132nd Annual Convention, Sept. 21-24, at the Ritz-Carlton Kapalua in Maui.

Acclaimed designer and retailer Tim Farrell, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, of Farrell’s Florist in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, will present 50 stunning arrangements created for various price points and suitable for every type and size of floral shop. He’ll explain how to pair tropical and temperate blooms and foliage and employ tropical accents for added pop — and profit — in everyday designs.

“Hawaii-50,” is just one of more than 38 idea-packed business education programs taking place at SAF Maui 2016. Hurry: Early SAF Maui 2016 registration ends Aug. 19.

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