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Give SAF’s Legal Eagle a Call

by | Aug 25, 2016 | Business Builder | 0 comments

The bride refuses to pay. What should you do? Give SAF’s legal eagle a call.

The bride refuses to pay. What should you do? Give SAF’s legal eagle a call.

The bride refuses to pay. What should you do?

Need to have a fast chat with an attorney? Give SAF’s legal eagle a call. It’s free. The Society of American Florists partners with Paley Rothman, a Bethesda, Maryland law firm so members can get quick answers to business legal questions — without running up a huge bill.

What kinds of questions? Here’s a sample of what floral business owners want to know:

  • “Do I have to pay my salespeople overtime?”
  • “My lease says I am the mall’s only florist, can I stop other stores from selling bouquets?”
  • “We did our job, but the bride wants half her money back… can you look at the contract?”
  • “What do I have to tell my employees about healthcare?”
  • “Is it possible to copyright a floral design?”
  • “Do we have the right retirement plan?”
  • “We want to sell the business to the kids but I’m worried about taxes. Where do we start?”

Through the partnership, SAF members can contact attorney Paula A. Calimafde (Kal-i-MAF-da) for a free 15-minute legal consultation at 301-951-9325. Be sure to mention your SAF membership. For more programs and services available through SAF membership, visit


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