EPA Issues Guidance on Worker Protection Compliance - safnow.org





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EPA Issues Guidance on Worker Protection Compliance

by | Oct 12, 2016 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued guidance material to help growers comply with its revised 2015 Worker Protection Standard (WPS).

This “how to comply” manual includes:

  • Details to help growers determine if the WPS requirements apply to them.
  • Information on how to comply with the WPS requirements including exceptions, restrictions, exemptions, options and examples.
  • A “Quick Reference Guide” which lists the basic requirements.
  • New or revised definitions that may affect growers’ WPS responsibilities.
  • Explanations to help growers better understand the WPS requirements and their practical application.

The manual was published in conjunction with the Pesticide Education Resources Collaborative, a new cooperative agreement between the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs and University of California Davis Extension, in collaboration with Oregon State University.

The WPS includes a little known provision that allows a person who is a “designated representative” of a worker or handler to request pesticide hazard information and/or pesticide application information on their behalf, according to Drew Gruenburg, the Society of American Florists’ chief operating officer, who oversees the group’s government relations.

“This new provision opens the door to third party organizations potentially using proprietary information for nefarious reasons in attempts to harm the farming operation,” he explained.

SAF recently participated in a meeting with other agricultural groups to address this issue which is set to go into effect on January 1.

“While EPA did not commit to any delay, officials expressed an interest in continuing a dialogue on the issue and finding solutions that still maintain the intent of the provision,” Gruenburg said.

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