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Charleston Florists Talk Roots and Future in Local Paper

by | Dec 14, 2016 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments


How would you handle the situation if your newspaper profiled your business and the reporter peppered you with hard-hitting questions such as “What are the most important decisions you make as a leader at your business?”; “What is the biggest challenge facing business leaders today?”; and “What was your biggest mistake as a leader and what did it teach you?” Read more.

In a recent Post and Courier question-and-answer story, Manny and Clara Gonzales of Tiger Lily Florist faced just those questions, and came through looking like thoughtful, seasoned pros who really love the work they do. (The abbreviated answers to those questions: “The customer is king”; “finding the right employees”; and “letting our ego run the business.”)

Read more about the couple and their business. Looking to improve your own interview skills? (‘Tis the season for reporters to call, and Valentine’s Day is coming soon.) SAF has a host of tools to help you nail successful interviews in ways that will keep your customers talking (in a good way).


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