APW Prep: Send Reminders - safnow.org





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APW Prep: Send Reminders

by | Mar 22, 2017 | Business Builder, Marketing, Member Benefits, Sales | 0 comments



B2B Marketing Materials

SAF’s B2B Flier touts university research on the benefits of flowers and plants in the workplace. Customize it with your shop information and consider including a special offer for Administrative Professionals Week.

Remind corporate clients that a simple “Thank You” can go a long way to motivate employees and build loyalty, and that Administrative Professionals Week (APW), April 23-29, 2017, offers an ideal opportunity to show appreciation. Contact corporate clients now with a letter, phone call or stop by their offices. Customize the Society of American Florists’ B2B Discount Card or B2B Flier with your shop information and consider a special APW offer.

SAF provides members with APW materials here and advice to build business sales here.

Tags:APW b2b

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