25 Ways to Ask for a Referral - safnow.org





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25 Ways to Ask for a Referral

by | Apr 12, 2017 | Business Builder | 0 comments


In a recent Entrepreneur.com article, contributor John Rampton shared 25 tips on how to ask for referrals.

When it comes to attracting new business, very few things beat a referral. But how do you go about asking for a referral without looking pushy or desperate?

In a recent article at Entrepreneur.com, contributor John Rampton walks readers through 25 tested approaches that help generate positive referrals.

One tip worth considering: Don’t wait to ask for a referral.

“There’s a misconception that you have to wait until a project is over for you to start asking for referral,” Rampton writes. “That couldn’t be further from the truth. If you and your client are excited about the start of a new project, then share that infection with others.”

Read more.

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