APHIS Finalizes Rule For Imported Plants for Planting - safnow.org





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APHIS Finalizes Rule For Imported Plants for Planting

by | Mar 16, 2018 | Government Relations, Week In Review | 0 comments


SAF has learned that the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) will be publishing a rule on Monday, March 19th that will have a large impact on some imported plants.

First proposed by USDA in 2013, the Restructuring of Regulations on the Importation of Plants for Planting was billed as a streamlining of the regulatory process, allowing APHIS to more quickly respond to newly identified risks.

However, when SAF, in collaboration with AmericanHort, closely evaluated the proposal several issues were found that went far beyond simply, “streamlining”. Among the concerns raised by SAF and AmericanHort in comments submitted to APHIS were:

USDA’s interest in embracing a regional standard for plant pest/pathogen mitigation rather than the more broadly adopted international standard

USDA’s emphasis on imposing specific mitigations for plants for planting “brokers”

Overly intrusive and difficult to implement traceability standards; and
Proposed definition of “place of production”

The new rule will go into effect on April 18, 2018. SAF will move quickly to evaluate the new rule and examine the potential impacts on floriculture businesses as well as identify new challenges and opportunities the rule may bring.

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