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Administration Rescission Package Hits Roadblocks

by | Apr 19, 2018 | Government Relations, Uncategorized, Week In Review | 0 comments


A White House effort to cut previously enacted spending, including that from the Omnibus spending bill signed by President Trump on March 23, has hit some roadblocks.

A “rescissions” package from the Trump Administration to cut billions in non-defense programs approved last month may be sent to Congress in the next few weeks, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has closed the door on the subject saying “we had an agreement with the Democrats.”

Why is this of interest to the floral industry?  While no one knows for sure what the proposed rescission package includes, it’s possible that cuts could have filtered down to the Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative (FNRI), which, due to the efforts of SAF members during Congressional Action Days, saw a $1 million increase for FY2018. Other USDA activities important to the floral industry may also be affected by any rescissions.

House leaders have said they may have the House vote on the package, but other members of the House have indicated cuts may be found others places and not taken from the Omnibus spending that was approved and signed into law.

Under the 1974 law that established rescission authority, Congress can amend a presidential request for cuts as lawmakers see fit.

A proposal for expedited rescission authority is being worked on by the administration. This would require and up or down vote by Congress on proposed cuts. However, expedited authority is unlikely to make it through the Senate.

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