SAF Live: Kicking it Off with Kate Penn, SAF CEO -





Home » SAF Live: Kicking it Off with Kate Penn, SAF CEO

SAF Live: Kicking it Off with Kate Penn, SAF CEO

by | Jun 12, 2018 | Floral Industry News, Member Benefits | 0 comments


Dear SAF Members,

After six months as SAF’s CEO, I have all kinds of thoughts to share — about SAF and our vision for how we can help you, our members, and our industry as a whole grow. I also want to hear your thoughts — about what’s keeping you up at night, as well as what’s working for you in your business. So that’s why on June 13 , I talked about these things and more via Facebook Live. If you missed it, you can watch the recording here:

Be sure to follow us on as well as and

At your service,

Kate Penn

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