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SAF Tools Help Shore Up Sympathy Relationships

by | Aug 15, 2018 | Sales WakeUP | 0 comments


coffin with pink and white flowers at a funeral home

Looking for ways to connect with your local funeral directors or shore up relationships with local funeral homes?

The Society of American Florists has resources galore to help you  establish and maintain positive relationships with key contacts in your local market. Use these tools to help funeral directors understand the importance of flowers to the bereavement process and minimize the use of the “in lieu of flowers” phrase.

Resources include: advice and talking points for face-to-face meetings, suggested letters to funeral directors, two-fold thank-you brochures for funeral directors and a list of alternative phrases to “in lieu of flowers.”

You’ll also find a link to the State Funeral Directors’ Association listing, The Funeral Directors and Flowers Report, which analyzes results from a survey of nearly 200 members of the National Funeral Directors Association, and past articles on sympathy work from Floral Management magazine — along with so much more.

Visit for additional information.


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