SAF Members Can Determine Legislative Priorities of Floriculture Industry -





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SAF Members Can Determine Legislative Priorities of Floriculture Industry

by | Oct 11, 2018 | Government Relations, Week In Review | 0 comments


SAF has developed a short survey so its members can weigh-in on their public policy priorities.

Members of SAF proved that they are a powerful force for the floriculture industry during SAF’s Congressional Action Days (CAD) where they successfully lobbied their members of Congress to increase funding for the Floriculture Research Initiative (FNRI) by a record $1 million.

Their efforts at CAD also resulted in renewed publication of the Floriculture Crops Summary which had not been produced in 2016 or 2017.

SAF, working with other industry groups, also had language protecting floriculture innovators included in the Farm Bill that is poised to be approved by Congress.

SAF continues to press for longstanding priorities of the industry such as immigration reform, simplifying compliance with the Affordable Care Act and other issues as well.

The survey will allow SAF members to rate the importance of several public policy issues for the upcoming year in the wake of those victories.

Mark your schedule to attend the next CAD on March 11-12, 2019 to make your voice heard in Washington.

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