What’s On Your Valentine’s Day To-Do List Calendar? - safnow.org





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What’s On Your Valentine’s Day To-Do List Calendar?

by | Jan 25, 2019 | Sales WakeUP | 0 comments


calendar with red mark on 14 February 2019.It’s no secret that February is the most chaotic of all months for retail florists. Feeling overwhelmed about what to do when? Here are day-by-day tips, courtesy of Lori Wheat, AAF, of Lafayette Florist, Gift Shop & Garden Center in Lafayette, Colorado, who shared “On My To-Do List” in the January 2016 issue of Floral Management magazine.

Wheat, a long-time veteran of the floral industry, offered timeless advice, which we’ve updated for 2019.

Feb. 1: Cooler maintenance check

Feb. 3: Meal service schedule for Valentine’s Day

Feb. 5: Schedule Valentine’s Day social media posts

Feb. 6: Promote discounts on early Valentine’s Day orders

Feb. 7: Prep ribbons, cards and containers

Feb. 8: All hands meeting on Valentine’s Day logistics

Feb. 9: Meet with temp drivers

Feb. 10: Promote early delivery incentives

Feb. 11: Set out “Last Minute” menu for walk-in customers

Feb. 12: Get change for holiday

Feb. 13: Remind customers that tomorrow is Valentine’s Day!

Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day

Feb. 15: Notes on Valentine’s Day pre-holiday prep

Feb.16: Book hotel room for SAF’s Congressional Action Days — and enjoy a well-deserved nap!

Feb. 17: Notes on Valentine’s Day seasonal help

Sunday, Feb. 18: Notes on Valentine’s Day customer service

For more Valentine’s Day business advice, members can visit safnow.org/vday.

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