Stock Up and Save! SAF Postcards, Posters and Statement Stuffers on Sale Now -





Home » Stock Up and Save! SAF Postcards, Posters and Statement Stuffers on Sale Now

Stock Up and Save! SAF Postcards, Posters and Statement Stuffers on Sale Now

by | Oct 9, 2019 | Business Builder | 0 comments


Posters, postcards and statement stuffers are a fast and effective way to stay top-of-mind with customers and to ensure they’re aware of your shop’s latest and greatest services and specials. The Society of American Florists has many different options that you can customize. Order today and save 75 percent by entering promo code “Fall” at checkout in the SAF store at Stock up now while supplies last.

You can customize the postcards with your shop’s information and a time-limited special offer to bring shoppers back soon. Use them with matching statement stuffers and posters to create a comprehensive promotional campaign.

Plus, SAF members can download FREE matching materials — including customizable print ads, printable and email-able photos, social media graphics, customizable fliers, Web banners and more for many of the stuffers — at

Jenny Scala is the Director of Marketing and Communications for the Society of American Florists

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