7 New Social Media Posts for Valentine’s Day - safnow.org





Home » 7 New Social Media Posts for Valentine’s Day

7 New Social Media Posts for Valentine’s Day

by | Jan 15, 2020 | Business Builder | 0 comments


“Don’t get feathers all ruffled, flitting about at the last minute in February. Order Valentine’s Day flowers now. You know we’re already thinking about the big day, and we’d love to spend some time helping you find just the right bouquet for your lovebird. #earlybird” Post this text to your social media channels along with a photo of birds from a royalty-free site like UnSplash or a suggested graphic SAF created by the WordSwag app.

That’s just one of the new social media copy-and-paste post ideas provided by the Society of American Florists’ in its Social Media Content Calendar: Valentine’s Day.

This content calendar provides members with inspiration for creative Valentine’s social media post and text suggestions. It also includes ideas for photos as well as links to download photography and graphics from royalty-free sites.

The Social Media Content Calendar: Valentine’s Day is available exclusively to SAF members only.

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