3 Weekend Reads to Help You Streamline Operations and Drive Holiday Sales - safnow.org





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3 Weekend Reads to Help You Streamline Operations and Drive Holiday Sales

by | Nov 20, 2020 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments


Once the last Thanksgiving centerpiece has been delivered and you (finally) have a chance to rest your feet, why not settle in with some recent stories from the Society of American Florists aimed at helping you and your team drive sales and streamline operations for a busy holiday season and 2021?

Here are five stories you may have missed that can help you chart your way.

Gestión floral

The October issue of Floral Management has loads of tips on how to have a successful Christmas.

Make the Most of Christmas. The October cover story of Floral Management featured a host of ideas on how to deck halls safely, be more efficient online, keep your staff healthy and sane — and manage challenges such as contact-free delivery in colder temperatures. Plus, find out more about why Bob Aykens, AAF, Memorial Florists & Greenhouses in Appleton, Wisconsin, one of the florists featured in the story thinks there is reason for industry optimism: “In the last seven months, despite all the downfalls and changes, we have seen people order flowers that never have before,” he said in the story. “It really has been a time for us to shine and make a new generation understand the power of giving flowers. Now, we have to make those customers into repeat customers through our marketing channels.”  Read the full story.

Need a little more Christmas operations inspo and advice? Watch the recorded panel session and Q&A of SAF’s Countdown to Christmasvirtual event.


The Nov/Dec issue of Floral Management is dedicated to Valentine’s Day prep.

Get Ready for Valentine’s Day. Silver bells will be replaced with cupid hearts before you know it, and this year’s holiday has opportunities and challenges galore: A Sunday event on a long weekend in the middle of a pandemic. In the Nov/Dec issue of Floral Management, contributing writer Bruce Wright talked to industry members across segments about the reality of the supply chain, and what you need to be doing now to make the right choices for the best possible holiday. An important point to remember is that communication between segments has never been more important, said Joaquin de la Torre of Ball SB to Wright: “Barring a weather problem, there will be enough flowers ,” he explained. “But how the supply will play out also depends on the relationships of buyers with sellers.” Read the full story.

Want to talk more with your peers about what Valentine’s Day 2021 will look like? Looking for some guidance and advice to help shape your plans? Register today for SAF’s “Gear Up for Valentine’s Day” on Dec. 4 at 3 ET. The event, sponsored by FTD and free for SAF members, includes a panel discussion, QA time, breakout room sessions and a “’Pal-entine’s Day’ Happy Hour + Design Demo.” Register today.

Brush Up on Virtual Skills. As pandemic restrictions increase around the country, you might be thinking about getting into virtual workshops, or expanding your offerings. Throughout the year, we’ve shared best practices on how to get up to speed on camera fast. Get tips on virtual workshops and holiday events and read about how some florists are leveraging “zoom fatigue” with corporate clients. The October cover story of Floral Management also has some tips from florists on hosting virtual events and workshops, in lieu of in person Christmas programs.

Mary Westbrook is the editor in chief of Floral Management magazine.

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