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Stars of the Industry Honored at SAF Orlando 2022

by | Sep 14, 2022 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments


Debi Chedester, AAF, executive director of the American Floral Endowment, received the John H. Walker Award in recognition of outstanding leadership by a floral association executive. She was joined on stage by her son, Tommy Bateman (left); and Dwight Larimer, AAF, PFCI; Traci Dooley, AAF; and Marvin Miller, Ph.D., AAF, all of whom serve on SAF’s awards committee.

From a happenstance job 66 years ago delivering flowers, Pete Garcia, AAF, rose to become a behemoth supplier of floral hard goods. Over the years, he formed, purchased, and sold more than 25 manufacturing corporations, which enabled him to achieve the gold standard of products that have improved aesthetics, user-friendliness, and workroom efficiency for floral designers.

While building his empire, he also devoted much time to serving the industry, stepping up for numerous leadership positions within the Wholesale Florists & Florist Suppliers Association, the American Floral Endowment, and the Society of American Florists.

It was those efforts, as well as the respect he commands from his peers, that earned Garcia, founder of the Pete Garcia Company, a place in the Floriculture Hall of Fame, the industry’s greatest honor. Garcia was inducted during the Stars of the Industry Awards Dinner Sept. 8 at SAF Orlando 2022, the Society of American Florists’ 137th annual convention.

In his acceptance speech, Garcia thanked his family and his friends, whom he described as his extended family. “We hope that we have a left a footprint in the industry and that we’re all successful through what we have accomplished together,” he said.

Click here to read more about Garcia and the Floriculture Hall of Fame. Click here to read Garcia’s SAF NOW profile.

The awards dinner also honored others who have made an indelible mark on the industry. (See pictures of the awards dinner here.)

Paul Ecke Jr. Award

The Paul Ecke Jr. Award, which recognizes exemplary devotion to profession, industry, and community, was given to technology evangelist Renato Cruz Sogueco, AAF, PFCI. As SAF’s former chief information officer and now as BloomNet’s vice president of digital strategy and education, he has helped countless florists through the intricacies of search engine optimization, social media, online marketing, and mobile strategy to grow web sales and engage customers.

In his remarks, Sogueco thanked his former and current employers for the opportunity to serve florists, as well as last year’s recipient, the late Bob Williams II, AAF, PFCI, a longtime mentor and friend who set Sogueco straight when he briefly flirted with the idea of accepting a job outside the floral industry. “He told me, ‘Renato, you love this industry and there’s a lot more that you can give to it.’ Those words ring true,” Sogueco said.

Click here to read more about Sogueco and the Paul Ecke Jr. Award.

Gold Medal Award

Linda Laughner the world’s premier breeder of snapdragons and the pioneer who made ethylene screening part of the breeding process for extended vase life, is the 2022 recipient of the Gold Medal Award, which honors the originator or introducer of a widely distributed plant or flower that has become established as an outstanding product of significant horticultural and commercial value.

Anne Leventry, president of PanAmerican Seed accepted the award on her behalf. “I don’t know anyone more deserving than Linda,” Leventry said. “She’s an extraordinary breeder and she put her whole heart and soul into her work.”

Click here to read more about Laughner and the Gold Medal Award.

Alex Laurie Award for Research and Education

The Alex Laurie Award for Research and Education, which honors someone who has contributed significantly to the advancement of horticulture studies, was awarded to Brent Pemberton, Ph.D., professor of ornamental horticulture and plant physiology at Texas A&M University, whose research has improved roses’ disease resistance, heat tolerance, postharvest longevity, and more. Pemberton has served Texas A&M’s horticulture department since 1982, conducting research in support of the Texas nursery and landscape industry from his location at the Overton Research and Extension Center. For the past 12 years, he has chaired the Texas Superstar Program Executive Board, a role in which he coordinates a faculty group that develops and evaluates new cultivars and educates the public on ornamental plants adapted to the Texas environment.

“I’d like to thank the Society of American Florists for the support that they’ve given me over the years and to all the academic programs in the United States,” he said. “Your support for research and education programs is very important, as is your support for federal funding for specialty crops research — that’s an ongoing battle and that’s a big deal.”

Click here to read more about Pemberton and the Alex Laurie Award.

John H. Walker Award

Debi Chedester, AAF, executive director of the American Floral Endowment, received the John H. Walker Award in recognition of outstanding leadership by a floral association executive.

“I’m honored and I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to represent the American Floral Endowment and the entire industry for more than 20 years. I’m passionate because you’re passionate,” she said, adding a special thanks to AFE trustees, donors, and staff.

Click here to read more about Chedester and the John H. Walker Award.

Tommy Bright Award

Sharon McGukin, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, author of “Flowers of the Heart” and a prolific speaker and blogger who has represented numerous floral companies, including Smithers-Oasis, Teleflora, and the Floriology Institute, received the Tommy Bright Award, which honors PFCI members for lifetime achievement in floral presentation.

“Opportunity has no boundaries,” she said. “This is my 49th year in flowers and my 30th as a floral speaker. You’ve reminded me that sharing my passion for ‘petals and people’ is more of a lifestyle than a career. For that I am so grateful. I will cherish the Tommy Bright and you.”

Know someone who has made a noteworthy contribution to the floral industry? Apply or nominate someone for SAF’s 2023 awards.

Click here to read more about McGukin and the Tommy Bright Award.

Katie Vincent is the senior contributing editor for the Society of American Florists.

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