Relationship expert and author of Choosing ME Before WE Christine Arylo offers consumers easy advice for how to live like a flower — becoming your own best friend and growing new ones. Click here to read how to Grow New Buds.

Tools and Advice to Promote Grow New Buds

Link to Live Like a Flower from your website

Share the Live Like a Flower program with your customers by linking to from your website. These tips from third-party experts bring valuable credibility to the flower and florist message! Share tips for Grow New Buds by linking to

Facebook Shareable Graphics

The following images are sized for use as Facebook timeline graphics (404 x 404 pixels). To download, click on the image you want to use and the full-size graphic will appear. Right click on the image and save it to your computer. 

LIVE LIKE A FLOWER Facebook Graphic LIVE LIKE A FLOWER Facebook Graphic LIVE LIKE A FLOWER Facebook Graphic

For more Live Like A Flower graphics, click here. 

Suggested Facebook Posts

When posting the eye-catching shareable graphics to your Facebook Wall, include one of these suggested sample messages in your status update.

From the Live Like a Flower series: Grow New Buds! Get advice from relationship expert Christine Arylo.

Be proactive to strengthen favorite relationships. Send surprise flowers just because you are grateful to have them in your life. Think of it as helping your friendship bloom as a flower blooms—steadily and beautifully.

Some flowers go together better than others, just like people, and the best flower arrangements come from intention and creativity.

Be intentional with whom you want to surround yourself. Make a list of these buds (call it your friendship manifesto. Place the manifesto somewhere sacred (perhaps under a flowering plant to signify blooming friendships) and every so often read it, and keep your eyes out for new friends!

Be inspired by others, not envious. If sunflowers spent all their time trying to be roses, they would be very unhappy sunflowers.

If your friends were flowers, what kind would they be — fun (daisies or tulips), sophisticated (lilies or orchids), or calming (bamboo plants or succulents)?

Suggested Tweets

Here are suggested sample messages to post on Twitter to help you promote your shop.

From the Live Like a Flower series: Grow New Buds! Get advice from @ChristineArylo.

Surprise friends with flowers & watch your friendships bloom!

If sunflowers spent all their time trying to be roses, they would be very unhappy sunflowers.

If ur friends were flowers, what kind would they be — fun (daisies/tulips) or sophisticated (lilies/orchids)?

Color Flier

Print the Grow New Buds flier in color. Keep them by your cash register to hand to customers and include them with invoices. Provide a new flier each month to spread the floral message. 


Click here for more Live Like a Flower fliers.

Create Your Own Unique Tie-in

Design an arrangement that you think illustrates “Grow New Buds.” Display it in your shop with the color fliers to capture attention. Feature it on your website with a link to

High-Res Images for Print

The images are 5.61″ squares at 300 dpi, high-resolution for print publications. To download, click on the image you want to use and the full-size graphic will appear. Right click on the image and save it to your computer. 

LIVE LIKE A FLOWER Facebook Graphic LIVE LIKE A FLOWER Facebook Graphic

LIVE LIKE A FLOWER Facebook Graphic

For more Live Like A Flower high-res images, click here.

Click here for the Live Like a Flower Resource Center.

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