Step Away from the Cash Register: Tips for Timid Staff -

CashRegisterIf you constantly find yourself encouraging staff members to get out from behind the checkout counter and onto the sales floor, Tim Huckabee of FloralStrategies has some advice for you in the June issue of Floral Management: Maybe it’s time to train team members in the fine art of small talk.

While chatting up customers may seem like second nature to you, Huckabee says the chit-chat and banter that kicks off any sale can be intimidating to staff, which is why some standard openers can come in handy (and should be practiced ahead of time). Some of the lines he uses:

What can I help you to celebrate today? “Yes, to those of you whose vase is always half empty, occasionally customers will tell me that they need to order funeral flowers upon hearing this question,” Huckabee writes. “But I have never have had anyone appear offended or walk out of the store.”

Are you looking for birthday or anniversary flowers? “I typically use that line on men,” Huckabee explained. “It’s a great ice-breaker and leads to discovering if it’s a milestone event — the perfect opportunity to offer a larger design/higher price point.”

Are you shopping for yourself or looking for a gift? “Usually reserved for women, this is a quick way to learn if your customer needs loose flowers, maybe for her own container, or an arranged design to take with her,” he wrote.

Read the full column and get additional tips.

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