Want to Improve Design Room Efficiency? Talk to your Designers - safnow.org

How many times a day does your designer walk to a water source to fill a vase? How much energy each week is devoted to recovering misplaced supplies?

If you don’t know the answer to these questions, you are likely loosing money in your design room, suggests Derrick Myers, CPA, CFP, in this month’s Floral Management magazine.

“Efficiency is the root of high performance,” he writes. “If you don’t provide an environment where your employees can function at full capacity, without unnecessary distractions, wasted motion, or missing tools and equipment, they can’t deliver the production you require to make your company profitable.”

The simple reasons design rooms don’t run at peak efficiency? Owners don’t pay enough attention, and they don’t ask for feedback.

“Few people take the time to study how designers spend their time at work,” Myers explained. “Are they diligently working at the design table or are they spending hours looking for flowers and supplies? Maybe they have to answer phones and wait on customers throughout the day or break up dedicated design time with trips to fill vases. Every minute a designer is away from the design table costs you money.”

Read more about how to create a more productive design room environment in this month’s Floral Management.


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