Learn the Dos and Don’ts of Damage Control at SAF Palm Beach 2017 - safnow.org

Sam Bowles, managing director of Floral Strategies, will discuss PR blunders and how to avoid them and much more at SAF Palm Beach 2017 the Society of American Florists’ 133rd Annual Convention, Sept. 6-9 at The Breakers in Florida.

Nearly four months have passed since officers forcibly removed David Dao from a United Airlines flight, but the image of the doctor’s bloodied face, the sound of his wails and United CEO Carlos Munoz’s tone-deaf apology for “having to re-accommodate” him remain seared in the public’s memory.

Although the most egregious example, it’s but one of many PR blunders airline companies have made this year.

What makes the situation worse today is technology, said Sam Bowles, managing director of Floral Strategies and a featured speaker at SAF Palm Beach 2017, the Society of American Florists’ 133rd Annual Convention, Sept. 6-9 at The Breakers in Florida.

“It’s been interesting to watch the recent stream of customer altercations on some major airlines,” Bowles said. “These companies have taken easily-rectified situations and botched them, which resulted in a social media whirlwind of enmity and frustration.”

Bowles, who travels around the globe providing hands-on training for florists, has witnessed similar disregard for customer service within the floral industry. “I’ve heard staff get argumentative with customers or handle disputes with cold indifference,” he said. “We need to do better. Customers are our most precious commodity.”

The FloralStrategies philosophy: “If you can take a $100 sale, you can solve a $100 problem.” In his presentation, “Disarm the Disgruntled,” Bowles will break down some of the most common flower shop complaints and offer a five-point plan to reach a resolution for any dispute. After this session, you’ll welcome complaints on the phone, in-store or online as constructive criticism that lets you demonstrate your dedication and, ultimately, makes your shop better.

“The airlines have realized their mistakes and have instituted ‘compassion training,’ empowering their staff to better handle problems instead of letting them escalate into CNN-worthy events,” he said. “We can learn from them. The happier we can make our customers, the more loyal they will be.”

For details about SAF Palm Beach 2017 and to register, click here.

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