Free WebBlast for Members: Understanding the New Tax Bill — How Will It Impact Small Business? -
Paula Calimafde and Jessica Summers, SBLC

Paula Calimafde and Jessica Summers, SBLC

In the final days of 2017, Congress approved a landmark bill to overhaul the country’s tax code. “The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (H.R. 1) represents the most sweeping changes to the U.S. tax system in 30 years. What are the implications for small business owners?

The Society of American Florists has a long-standing relationship with the Small Business Legislative Council, a coalition of trade associations like SAF that share a common commitment to the small business sector of the economy.

Join us as Paula Calimafde, President and General Counsel of the SBLC, 25+ year observer of the Hill and noted tax lawyer, and Jessica Summers, Strategic Policy Director of the SBLC, discuss the new tax bill on Jan. 9 at Noon Eastern during the FREE WebBlast for SAF Members, “Understanding the New Tax Bill — How Will It Impact Small Business?”

In this FREE WebBlast, you’ll learn:

  • How the new tax law will impact your business
  • What areas still need to be fleshed out
  • What problems still exist
  • Where Congress is likely to go

Click here to register to participate in this FREE WebBlast for SAF members on Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018 at Noon.

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