Legislation Introduced Recognizing Small Businesses - safnow.org

House Small Business Committee Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH) and the committee’s ranking member Representative Nydia Velazquez (D-NY) introduced H. Res. 840, celebrating next week as National Small Business Week.

“Every day I hear the stories of hard working Americans who wake up at the crack of dawn and sacrifice so much to achieve their dreams,” said Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH). “Employing nearly 48 percent of the private sector and creating almost 62 percent of new jobs, small businesses truly represent the American innovative spirit. When small businesses are strong, America is strong.”

“America’s small businesses are as diverse as its citizens,” said Ranking Member Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez (D-NY). “From neighborhood mom-and-pop grocery stores in the Midwest to technology startups in Brooklyn, New York, small businesses are community cornerstones and a national economic lynchpin. I am proud to join Chairman Chabot in saluting America’s nearly 30 million small businesses who embody our nation’s entrepreneurial spirit and drive our economic prosperity.”

Res. 840 notes that:

There are more than 29,600,000 small businesses in the United States.

Small businesses employ nearly 48% of the employees in the private sector in the United States.

Small businesses constitute 97.7% of firms exporting goods.

Small businesses are responsible for more than 46% of private sector output.

Small businesses are responsible for creating nearly 62% of new jobs.

The legislation proclaims that the House of Representatives “recognizes the importance of creating policies which promote an environment in which small businesses may succeed” and “supports efforts to encourage consumers to utilize small businesses.”

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