Surprising Reasons Customers Dump Businesses -
: Rudeness, dirty bathrooms (and language) and tardy communication are among the top reasons customers abandon businesses.

: Rudeness, dirty bathrooms (and language) and tardy communication are among the top reasons customers abandon businesses.

Wondering why some customers disappear? A recent consumer survey revealed some surprising reasons that people “dump” businesses — from overhearing an employee use foul language to encountering a grimy restroom.

Podium, a software company that helps businesses gain insights into their customers’ experiences, surveyed 2,000 U.S. consumers between the ages of 18-64 to discover why they do not give certain retailers repeat business.

Along with the aforementioned profanity and filth, lying about a product or service and rudeness topped the list of turn offs, infuriating 79 and 70 percent of customers respectively.

The majority of grievances, however, had to do with untimely communication. Thirty-seven percent of respondents said they would ditch a retailer if they left a phone message and their call wasn’t returned within a day, 30 percent would abandon a business if an email went unanswered within 24 hours and 22 percent would move on if their text message didn’t get a response. In fact, one in five respondents expected a business to answer within five minutes and would choose someone else if left waiting.

Millennial shoppers reported the highest communication expectations. They are twice as likely to patronize retailers that communicate with customers via social media and favored businesses that offered SMS texting. This means they expect storeowners and managers to have their shop’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram apps installed on their smartphone with notifications enabled to ensure prompt responses.

Consumers also appreciate familiarity, preferring companies that engage him. They return to retailers that learn their names and tastes.

For more insights from the survey, click here.

For tips on improving customer communication, read these stories:

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