Mine HR Toolbox for Productive Performance Reviews

Documents about performance evaluation on a desk.Before your staff disperses for the holidays, carve out time to meet one-on-one with employees and review the highs and lows of 2018.

Annual employee evaluations “are vital” to the success of any business, said Cheryl Denham, owner of Arizona Family Florist in Phoenix. They re-emphasize the company’s vision, help everyone set goals to grow in the new year and boost morale. “It’s acknowledgment of an employee’s contribution in the workplace,” she said.

Denham gives employees a form with six open-ended questions, asking them to detail examples of their best performances and reasons their current job has or has not met their expectations. “This helps us plan out goals for each person next year,” she said. “It also refreshes our memory of their accomplishments.”

You can access Denham’s evaluation template, among others, in the Society of American Florists’ Human Resources Toolbox. There, you’ll also find detailed job descriptions for various floral business positions, along with a list of duties you can use as metrics in your performance reviews.





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