Member Spotlight: Abe VanWingerden of Metrolina Greenhouses in Huntersville, North Carolina -

Abe VanWingerden (far right) is co-CEO of Metrolina Greenhouses in Huntersville, North Carolina. He recently attended SAF’s Congressional Action Days for the first time, and says he found it uplifting to see government in its working form. Also pictured (from left to right) are Cameron Pappas of Norton’s Florist in Birmingham, Alabama; Michael Pugh, AAF, of Pugh’s Flowers in Memphis, Tennessee; Mark Yelanich of Metrolina Greenhouses; and Alan Tanouye of Floralife in Walterboro, South Carolina.

The Society of American Florists’ membership includes all segments of the industry — and that community is the heart of SAF. This bi-weekly feature will spotlight SAF members sharing inspirational stories, professional insights, and the opportunity to form new industry connections.

Abe VanWingerden’s parents immigrated from Holland to North Carolina in 1972 with their two kids in tow and started Metrolina Greenhouses with only $500 to their name. Since then, the family business has grown­­ to employ more than 1,000 full-time employees supplying more than 1,400 big box retail outlets.

VanWingerden grew up in the business, only taking one detour after graduating from Emory University to work in sales and marketing at Procter & Gamble, where he learned the ins and outs of retail and the consumer market. After eight years, VanWingerden returned to Metrolina Greenhouses in 2001 as head of sales and marketing and started the company’s in-store merchandising program. He and his brother took over as co-CEOs when his father passed away in 2009.

“We had to all come together and assure the business stayed on track and continued to grow,” VanWingerden says. “The family all decided that day that what was good for Metrolina was good for our families.” The family also agreed that keeping the business going was a good way to honor his dad’s legacy and celebrate his life.

Best Business Advice

Having daily discipline and working hard is the advice that Tom Muccio, who retired as of president of global consumer teams at Procter & Gamble, always preached to VanWingerden. Muccio would tell VanWingerden, “Don’t give awards to the person who stayed up till 2:00 a.m. to finish a work project. Give the award to the person who built a daily process improvement in how we do work so the other guy did not have to stay up till 2:00 a.m.”

VanWingerden has seen the value in that advice play out over the years.That discipline is so key in business, as it builds reliability,” he says.

Key to Success

VanWingerden gives credits to those who came before him at Metrolina Greenhouses, and wants to build on that success, rather than “re-invent the wheel” if a process is working well. He also believes in the power of positive thinking and focusing on how well something could work versus fixating on possible downsides.

“Know that long-term success is about striving to get 1 percent  better every day, not one big idea in a lifetime,” VanWingerden says.

What Excites Him

Watching plants go home with customers at one of Metrolina’s retail partners is what puts VanWingerden’s work in perspective. In that moment he’s able to recognize the work and effort his entire team has put into making that moment happen for the customer.

“Seeing that smile on a consumer’s face when they buy or as they enjoy it through the season — and knowing that moment happens 70 million times a year with Metrolina plants — very humbling, but very exciting,” he says.

Why SAF?

Metrolina Greenhouses has been a member of SAF for more than 20 years. VanWingerden’s favorite part of being a member was attending SAF’s 42nd Annual Congressional Action Days in March. This year was his first time participating in the event and he says he found it especially uplifting to see government in its working form and “all of the dedicated people who are working hard daily to try and do the right things for their constituents.

“It was also great to see all the different parts of the industry come together for the common good.  Everybody should do it one time.”

VanWingerden was recently featured on SAF’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Do you know a member who should have a chance in the spotlight? Email Stephanie Brady, project manager for SAF.

Stephanie Brady is the project manager for the Society of American Florists.

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