Floral Company Investigates Short Cut in the Design Room - safnow.org

CareandHandlingGive stems a good (clean) cut before you start processing them in your store.

Though not every florist follows this advice religiously — in many design rooms across the country, it’s become a care and handling staple, as second nature as turning on the lights in the morning or locking the doors at night.

It’s an easy, simple way to optimize vase life for customers, right?

But what if you didn’t have to re-cut stems? Imagine the labor saved, particularly around the holidays, when high volume can make the act of re-cutting a little less easy and simple. Is it possible to have great results without that good-old, clean cut?

That’s the question Floralife decided to tackle recently, when the company embarked upon research that could eliminate the need to re-cut.

In this month’s issue of Floral Management magazine, we talked to Floralife reps about the new research and technology, as well as others who are skeptical about it. Find out more.

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