Women’s Day Prep: Generate News Coverage - safnow.org
SAF’s Women’s Day fliers have space at the bottom for customization. Print them in color, and include them in invoices, tack them to bulletin boards at gyms and beauty salons, and keep a stack by your cash registrar.

SAF’s Women’s Day fliers have space at the bottom for customization. Print them in color, and include them in invoices, tack them to bulletin boards at gyms and beauty salons, and keep a stack by your cash registrar.

The Society of American Florists makes promoting International Women’s Day (March 8) easy with promotional ideas, a customizable press release, media talking points, radio commercial scripts and more — all free for SAF members at safnow.org/WomensDay.

Now is the time to reach out to local media to let them know how your shop will celebrate. Among the strategic promotional ideas are tips to generate news coverage:

  • Customize SAF’s Women’s Day press release and send it to your local media. Consider addressing it to a high-profile woman at the outlet, such as a TV news anchor and producer or editor. Consider delivering the press release with a small floral gift and/or a voucher for them to place an order from you to send a Women’s Day gift to their hero. For your local TV morning show, offer to come in to the studio for a segment on suggested Women’s Day arrangements. Prepare the interview with SAF’s Women’s Day talking points.
  • Do you know a local mom or lifestyle blogger? Invite them to send a floral arrangement for Women’s Day and blog about their experience. They also may be interested in giving away an arrangement as part of a reader contest.
  • Work with a local radio station to have listeners call in to reveal the woman they admire most. One lucky caller gets to send a floral gift to their hero on Women’s Day. Do you have an opportunity to advertise on the station or want to provide the radio host with some promotional copy for the contest? Check out SAF’s Women’s Day radio scripts.

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