Easy, Low-Cost Ways to Celebrate Women's Day - safnow.org
Pink roses on a table promoting Women's Day

Alex Waldbart Florist in St. Louis opts for a simple announcement on Facebook to observe Women’s Day. Owner Claire Waldbart Kramer believes the holiday will eventually become as well known as Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Women’s Day, March 8, is fast approaching. Even if you don’t have a special event or promotion planned, you can still benefit from simply making customers aware of the holiday’s existence. “I think it’s great — women make the world go round,” said Claire Waldbart Kramer.

The owner of Alex Waldbart Florist in St. Louis, Missouri anticipates that Women’s Day will one day enjoy a similar status as Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October), complete with events such as 5K races and galas that raise money for female-focused causes. For now, Kramer promotes the holiday with a simple social media post that reads, “Happy Women’s Day” (and features beautiful flowers, of course).

Here are a few other simple (and inexpensive) ways to get Women’s Day on consumers’ radar:

  • Host a giveaway. On March 8, Kevin Keser and his staff position themselves outside a wine shop and a steakhouse in Glastonbury, Connecticut, where they hand out single stems of roses. “It’s just a nice way to promote the holiday and plug the business with little costs involved,” said the president of Keser’s Flowers of Glastonbury.
  • Give outstanding women a shout out. Women’s Day provides excellent fodder for your shop’s social channels. You could write a blog highlight outstanding women from history (here are a few dozen luminaries you might consider). You could also share photos and snippets about female staff members on social media — perfect material for “women crush Wednesday” (#wcw) on March 7. Ask your followers to comment with their favorite females.
  • Get kids involved. Reach out to your local schools, suggesting an essay contest. Ask students to write about the woman they admire most and award the winner a bouquet. (Be sure to contact your local newspaper or television station to cover the effort!)
  • Partner with women’s groups. There are a host of women’s groups, including sororities, the Junior League, Girls Inc., the National Organization of Women and dozens of industry-specific business clubs. Reach out to one or a few of them about getting together for a luncheon (adorned with your flowers). Share photos of the festivities on social media. It’s a thoughtful way to engage your audience and promote your business without making a hard sale.

Need help getting started? The Society of American Florists has resources galore to help you promote Women’s Day.

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