Digital Marketing That Goes the Distance -

SAF Phoenix 2023When sales are slow at Sweet Psalms Florist in Conyers, Georgia, owner LaToya Ferguson deploys a multi-channel digital marketing strategy — which includes texting — that brings almost instant results.

“If I send out a text message saying that I have fresh peonies in, I know that within a couple of hours my store is going to get busy and the phone is going to ring,” Ferguson says of one part of her approach to break through to customers in a world where email inboxes are full and social media feeds are crowded.

LaToya Ferguson, Sweet Psalms Florist

LaToya Ferguson, Sweet Psalms Florist

She and other seasoned florists are sharing their best digital marketing hacks at

SAF Phoenix 2023, the Society of American Florists’ 138th annual convention Sept. 6-9. During the session, “Reaching Customers in a Crowded Digital Landscape,” panelists Erin Bruno of McNamara Florist in Indianapolis, LaToya Ferguson of Sweet Psalms Florist in Conyers, Georgia, and Brennen Rigler of Albuquerque Florist in New Mexico will reveal their best digital marketing practices to drive sales.

Master Email Marketing

Automated email marketing that segments by interests, past purchases, known anniversaries and birthdays are key. But so is knowing what to promote in those emails — and achieving good open and click through rates that convert into sales.

Brennen Rigler, Albuquerque Florist, Inc.

Brennen Rigler, Albuquerque Florist

Ferguson often looks to her point of sales system to see what’s been a big seller in store, and then promotes that in her emails.

“If the trend is sunflowers this month, I’ll send out a huge sunflower email and the sales pick up,” she says. “POS systems are awesome if you use them correctly.”

She also uses her POS system to see which day of the week she gets the most walk ins and phone calls, and sends out an email with promotions the night before those days.

Rigler has found success sending special offers to customers with abandoned carts, or those who haven’t shopped with them within a 90-day period.

Stay Current on Google

While it may be difficult to measure how social media marketing translates into sales, much of what’s posted on social accounts — photos, specials, events and more — can also be added to a Google Business Profile, which helps businesses stand out in search results and educates potential buyers about the business.

“I find that when I post to my Google business account, people will call and say, ‘I saw it on Google,’” Ferguson says. “It does work.”


Erin Bruno, McNamara Florist

Get Texting

Bruno has seen great success with texting, also known as SMS (short message service), which her customers are also demanding for order and delivery confirmation.

“Texting is going to continue to become more and more important,” she says. “People have their phone and are texting more than opening their email.”

For more on how to reach customers with digital marketing, register for SAF Phoenix 2023.

Amanda Jedlinsky is the managing editor of SAF NOW.

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