Arizona Shop Plans Spa-Like Mother’s Day Event -

Partnerships with local businesses, including a restaurant, spa and apothecary, help Rakini Chinery keep costs and logistics in check during her annual “Bubbles, Scrubs and Backrubs” Mother’s Day event.


A flower shop in Prescott, Arizona, is keeping Mother’s Day high on customers’ radars with an in-store event focused on pampering.

Allan’s Flowers will host “Bubbles, Scrubs and Backrubs” the week before Mother’s Day. The event, which owner Rakini Chinery first dreamed up in 2016, will include chair massages, a DIY salt scrub bar, along with desserts and champagne cocktails.

“Last year 100 women came,” said Chinery, who is hoping for a similar turnout this year. “It was a fabulous event.”

Fabulous and manageable thanks to some smart planning tactics, including:

  • Powerful Partnerships. Rather than taking on the task of an elaborate in-store event solo, Chinery teams up with other local businesses. A local spa is in charge of the massages and an area apothecary is setting up that salt scrub bar. A local restaurant donated the desserts.blank
  • Targeted Promos. In addition to reducing costs and stress, those partnerships also help with promotional efforts, with everyone involved getting the word out to their customer bases. Chinery said she plans to plug the event on Facebook only — no need for printed promos or invitations.

Another factor on Chinery’s side: Time. With six weeks to go until Mother’s Day, she’s already putting the finishing touches on event details.

Read more about Chinery, and how a personal crisis helped her transform her business.


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