Looking for a way to promote Women’s Day that doesn’t feel overtly sales-y? Why not spend the week celebrating your female employees and sharing...
Review Notes, Employee Feedback for Future Holiday Success
Congratulations, you survived Valentine's Day! Hopefully you took time to savor some solitude (and maybe some of that V-Day chocolate or a bottle of...
Apply for AAF and Century Awards by March 1
Are you active in a community service organization? Has your company been in business since 1919? If you answered yes to either question (or both),...
Tips for Handling Post-Holiday Online Reviews
The busiest sales week has come and gone. And in its wake, you may have landed a bad review or two. Take it in stride — with an influx of...
Capitalize on His Guilt
Help Romeo out of the doghouse while making social media fans smile with the Society of American Florists’ “Exactly How Mad Is She?” graphic. When...
3 Valentine’s Day Mistakes to Avoid
The countdown to your biggest holiday of the year is on, and we know you are B-U-S-Y. But don’t forget to check in with your sales and design teams...
You Do You: Stand Out Online with Authentic V-Day Messages
The bad news: The competition for Valentine’s Day customers this year is intense. The good news: You already have everything you need to connect...
Fresh Posts for V-Day (Fast!) with SAF’s Social Media Content Calendar
Valentine’s Day is (gulp) EIGHT days away. You have so much to do — prepping, planning, training, and more — but now is not the time to neglect your...
Kissing Booth Elicits Photo Ops, Early V-Day Orders
Name a more perfect Valentine’s Day window display than a fully functioning kissing booth. (We’ll wait.) While browsing the Burton + Burton gift...
Detroit Florist Engages V-Day Customers with SAF Social Media Content
Gorgeous floral design? Check. Verbiage that gets customers thinking ahead for Valentine’s Day? You bet. Those two components came together...
Prep Tips for V-Day Interviews
The good news? You have the chance to go on your local news program — or to be featured in a local publication — in the days before Valentine’s Day....
Partner with the Competition to Earn More V-Day Sales
It’s an unfortunate reality for retailers that, the closer Valentine’s Day falls to the weekend, the more likely people will celebrate it with an...
5 Tactics That Elicit Early V-Day Orders
Do an onslaught of last-minute orders drive you bonkers every February 14? You’re not alone. In recent years, “procrastinating customers” has been a...
SAF V-Day Notebook: A Treasure Trove of Promotions, Pointers and More
Are you ready for some football?! The countdown is on for the biggest sporting event of the year, with the AFC and NFC conference games scheduled...
4 Practical Tips for Finding Great Valentine’s Day Helpers
With just over a month to go until Valentine’s Day, the heat is officially on… to find great seasonal helpers. Because the holiday — which takes...