The Society of American Florists added five new sharables to its library of Valentine’s Day graphics for members. The Valentine’s Day library now...
Miami Shop To Engage Customers with Girlfriend Gathering
Why pigeonhole Valentine’s Day as a celebration of romantic love? In Miami Beach, Florida, Zoë Galitz, owner of The Posy, wants locals...
Capitalize on Oscar Season to Score More V-Day Sales
Whether Meryl Streep or Margot Robie will take home a Oscar March 4 is anyone’s guess; but one thing’s for sure, we’re in the midst of...
How Does the New Tax Bill Affect Your Business?
The new tax law has major implications for business owners. What exactly does it mean for you? The Society of American Florists helps members figure...
Expand V-Day Menu to Grab More Sales
A dozen red roses may reign as the most popular Valentine’s Day request, but if you only offer this standard design, you may alienate some customers...
How Your Tone Affects V-Day Sales
It’s not just what you say, but how you say it that affects how much your customers will spend. When taking a phone order, you can ramp up your...
Court Brides-to-Be
Champagne and tinsel weren’t the only things sparkling this holiday season. Chances are a substantial number of women in your community received a...
Guest Baker Delights Customers
Last month, the staff at Expressions Unlimited in Greenville, South Carolina had a sweet surprise for customers: a pop-up shop featuring a beloved...
How to Hire and Prep V-Day Drivers
Here are two things many florists can depend on for Valentine’s Day: last-minute orders and seasonal hires who flake or turn out to be terrible fits...
Daily Deals Clear Inventory, Create Engagement
Eager to end the year on a high note, the ladies behind Madeline’s Flowers in Edmond, Oklahoma — Barbara, Lenzee and Lacee Bilke — decided to host a...
Show Your Favorite Vendors Some Love
As you approach the final days of 2017, it's worth recognizing the people who helped you reach the milestone of another year in business. Are there...
Pop Up Shop at Popular Clothier Boosts Illinois Florist’s Brand Exposure
A special event at J. Crew put Lake Forest, Illinois florist Eileen Looby Weber, AAF in contact with scores of holiday shoppers earlier this month....