A women’s lingerie retailer, a members-only men’s fashion retailer, and an online charity auctioneer all used the same marketing tactic in their...
As Valentine’s Day Nears, SAF Responds to Negative Ads
Along with cupids and hearts, Valentine’s Day brings some companies to run ads disparaging floral gifts and sometimes news media publish stories...
SAF Re-Ups its ‘Bring a Friend for Free’ Offer for Congressional Action Days
Planning on attending SAF’s 37th Annual Congressional Action Days (CAD) on March 13-14? SAF is encouraging attendees to share the experience with a...
Every Order Deserves the Royal Treatment
Reporters conduct research in January for Valentine’s Day “test order” news stories, when they pose as consumers ordering flowers. Published in...
SAF Needs You at Congressional Action Days
“Let’s Make Democracy Personal Again” is the floral industry’s call to action for the Society of American Florists’ 37th Annual Congressional Action...
Estate Tax May Be on Death Row. Again.
Estate tax repeal, a long-time Republican objective — and an important goal for many members of the floral industry — may become a reality during...
At SAFPAC Dinner, Cartoonist Shares Insight on Being Seriously Funny
The current presidential campaign seems to be the stuff of dreams for comedians — the jokes must write themselves, right? But for acclaimed...
In Washington, Floral Industry Issues Get Big Play in 2016
When Congress passed a 2,000 plus-page bill in December to fund the federal government through the final nine months of fiscal year 2016, it was a...
At Year’s End, the Floral Industry Sees Results in Washington
Another year, another standstill in Washington, D.C.? Not by a long shot. It may seem like nothing ever gets done in Washington. In their own lives,...
N.J. Shop Hosts New Congressman, Generates Support for STARS
Just before Thanksgiving, one mid-Atlantic flower shop made sure a freshman U.S. congressman had a beautiful floral centerpiece for his holiday...
Court Rules Against President Obama’s 2014 Immigration Actions
The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the Obama Administration on Nov. 9, preventing the administration from implementing its sweeping...
SAF Work with APHIS on Geraniums, Certification, Farm Bill Funds
Continuing the strong emphasis on collaboration and communication between the floral industry and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service...
Be Careful How You Classify Workers
What exactly is an independent contractor? The government's new interpretation has several ramifications for floral business owners. The U.S....