Get a ‘Bigger Piece of the Pie’ with Pricing WebBlast -





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Get a ‘Bigger Piece of the Pie’ with Pricing WebBlast

by | Jul 26, 2017 | Business Builder | 0 comments


SAF members and their staff can watch “Pricing for a Bigger Piece of the Pie” and other SAF WebBlast recordings for free at

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The high-end florist wants more business from less affluent clients. The value shop wants business form more affluent clients. While florists in resort towns want to appeal to seasonal clients without turning off their local year-round customers.

“In each case, the shop wishes to expand their base, attracting new customers without alienating existing customers — and without sacrificing profit,” said Mark Anderson, FloristWare founder and developer who studies pricing models and writes about them for and SAF’s Floral Management magazine. “The goal is to sell to each customer at the most profitable possible price, and this can be accomplished with a differential pricing strategy.”

Anderson is a featured speaker at SAF Palm Beach 2017, the Society of American Florists’ 133rd Annual Convention, September 6 to September 9 at The Breakers in Florida. He explained his pricing strategy during the 30-minute “Pricing for a Bigger Piece of the Pie WebBlast hosted by SAF on July 19. During “Pricing for a Bigger Piece of the Pie,” Anderson provided pointers on targeted discounting, introducing higher-end lines, and how to price for locals with lines and attributes for the seasonal market.

Did you miss the WebBlast? Don’t fret. SAF members and their staff can watch “Pricing for a Bigger Piece of the Pie” and other SAF WebBlast recordings for free at

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