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Pump Up Profits with SAF Resources

by | Aug 17, 2022 | Business Builder, Floral Industry News | 0 comments


From Career Connection courses to on-demand webinars and Floral Management articles, SAF has several resources to help you boost your bottom line.

With speculation of a recession on the horizon and some florists reporting a slowdown in sales, it’s important to implement strategies now to boost your bottom line. The Society of American Florists has resources to help.

  • Forecasting Your Future.” This new series of courses in Career Connection, created by floral entrepreneurs Manny and Clara Gonzales, will walk you through the process of creating and managing your shop with an accurate sales forecast.
  • Recession Proof Your Business Now.” In the July/August issue of Floral Management, Derrick Myers, CPA, CFP, PFCI, gave specific tips on how to prepare your business to weather an economic downturn. Read about how to build a financial reserve, how to control your costs, optimize your inventory and much more.
  • Florists’ Tips for Staying Profitable.” This SAF NOW article has top tips from florists on staying profitable while navigating record inflation, slowing flower sales, staffing challenges and more.
  • New Event Economics.” In the May/June issue of Floral Management, experienced event florists shared their new strategies for keeping their profit margins strong amid rising prices and other challenges.
  • Empower Designers to Pump Up Profits.” This SAF NOW article shares Tim Farrell, AAF, AIFD, PFCI’s, tips to ensure profitability on trendy designs.
  • Strategies to Accelerate DeliveriesFloral finance expert Paul Goodman, MBA, CPA, PFCI, shared his best practices for profitable deliveries in this on-demand webinar.

Find these resources and more in Career Connection!

Stephanie Brady is the project manager for the Society of American Florists.

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