Mary Westbrook, Author at - Page 123 of 157





Get a Handle on Better Pricing

Get a Handle on Better Pricing

Pricing is tricky business, with no one-size-fits all solution. Nonetheless, a good pricing strategy can make or break a business. That’s why Paul Goodman, CPA, PFCI, turned his attention in this month’s Floral Management to laying out best practices and proven...
Romance Blooms at SAF Maui 2016

Romance Blooms at SAF Maui 2016

When the Society of American Florists ticks off stats for SAF Maui 2016, its annual convention last month in Maui, the organization can proudly list 400-plus attendees, 88 first-time attendees… and one gorgeous, unexpected wedding. Just days after the convention...
3 Modern Sales Skills that Build Business

3 Modern Sales Skills that Build Business

The next time you and your team meet with a bride but fail to land her wedding, try asking yourself three questions: Did we shut down the consultation too fast? Did we try to co-create, rather than sell? Did we follow-up in the right way? Those three approaches can be...

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