Industry Watchdog -





SAF is the Face and Voice of a Strong and Unified Industry.  We are here to protect your interests before Congress and government agencies.

But it all can’t be done from Washington! SAF’s efforts need your involvement and support through:

  • Grassroots Guide to Survival – Grassroots activism is driven by people like you. Constituents can shape the views of their lawmakers and the policies that are made on Capitol Hill like no other interest group can. Our Grassroots Guide shows you the steps to developing a relationship with your lawmaker, so you can become part of the policy-making process.
  • Tell us Your Story/I Know my Member of Congress! – SAF wants to hear from you! Let us know how the government has affected your business. Also, let us know if you have an existing relationship with a member of Congress that would help us achieve our legislative goals here in Washington.
  • SAFPAC – The floral industry’s political action committee – helps to support senators and representatives who support our industry and its issues. SAFPAC is an important tool, and your participation is needed and welcomed.  

For more information, contact

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