Corporate Accounts -

Corporate Accounts

Build Business Sales

In today’s competitive environment, it is more important than ever for florists to find the best fit for their services, and commercial accounts represent a profitable market. Not only do you have a great product and service, you now have the best sales tool possible to convince businesses why they need flowers — university research that proves flowers and plants benefit the bottom line.
Click here for information on SAF’s Impact of Flowers & Plants on Workplace Productivity Study program.

Digital Materials from SAF’s B2B Kit

B2B Kit: Company Profile Form

Company Profile Form: Use this company profile form to acquire background information on client preferences for floral and plant purchases. This information can help you enhance your business client service and database.

B2B Kit: Discount Card

Discount Card: Use this Discount Card to provide an extra incentive for business clients to order from your shop. SAF provides two versions: a 2-color and a 4-color.

B2B Kit: Customer Satisfacation Survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey: By gathering quality feedback so you can consistently exceed expectations in every area, this camera-ready customer satisfaction survey will help you keep current business clients and attract new ones.

B2B Kit: Flier

Flier: Here is a cost effective way to spread the news about the benefits of flowers and plants in the workplace. SAF provides two versions: a Black & White Flier and a Color Flier.

Available Promotional Materials to Purchase from the
SAF Store

B2B Sales Presentation Portfolio

B2B Sales Presentation Portfolio: The Portfolio includes tools to motivate business clients to use your services. Materials include: a full-color flier on the benefits of flowers and plants that features highlights of the Texas A&M “Flowers in the Workplace” research; a discount card to entice them to try your shop; a company profile form to collect valuable client information; a carrier envelope. (Available in packs of 25)

SAF B2B Member Kit

SAF B2B Member Kit: In this kit: a 6-page brochure of step-by-step advice and promotional tactics on establishing and maintaining business clients; customizable camera-ready flier promoting the benefits of flowers and plants in the workplace; customizable camera-ready Rolodex card; customizable camera-ready customer satisfaction survey; a sample postcard; a sample Sales Presentation Portfolio.


B2B Postcard: Stay visible among your business clients with this direct mail marketing tool. Send this postcard to help familiarize your business clients with the “Flowers in the Workplace” research, and promote your services. (Available in packs of 25)B2B_Workplace_photo

Workplace Photos: Use on your website or newsletters.

Sample Letters: Educate potential and current clients about SAF’s Workplace research and your services.

Telephone Script: Pefect your pitch to prospective business customers.

Talking Points: These talking points provide you with key “sound bites” for media interviews or presentations to corporate prospects.

SAF’s Impact of Flowers & Plants on Workplace Productivity Study: Learn more about this groundbreaking study.

Radio Commercial Scripts: Radio advertising can be highly effective and less costly than television and newspaper campaigns.

Consumer Press Releases: A short, well-written news release is the best way to get your story in the hands of reporters. Your goal is to provide a good story and the facts to support it.

Suggested Email to Interior Designers and Architects: Use this suggested text to educate current and prospective business clients — such as interior designers and architects — about how flowers inspire emotions and enhance commercial and residential spaces.

Suggested Email To Business Clients: Use this suggested email text to educate current and prospective corporate clients about how flowers enhance the workspace and boost employee morale.

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