Labor shortages, the ongoing uncertainties of the pandemic, and the challenges of an unreliable supply chain continue to weigh on florists and their...
Remind Customers to Spread Holiday Cheer with Flowers
Like everything else this year, the winter holidays will likely look a lot different than what we’re used to. Holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah,...
Making the Holiday Season Right Means Catering to Mom
That winter wonderland isn’t gonna make itself, and more than ever it comes down to moms to make the holidays memorable in 2020 for new traditions,...
Florists Find Ways to Deck Halls Like Never Before
Fewer Americans will be traveling for the holidays this year, and nearly all Americans are tired of being cooped up at home staring at the same...
Florists Share Strategies on Staying Top of Mind Ahead of Christmas
Buoyed by strong springtime sales and a summer that was busy for many retailers, even without weddings and events, florists are gearing up for...
Happy Holidays from Your SAF Team!
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Teleflora Surprises Military Mom with Heartwarming Family Reunion
Through the power of 4K projection technology, floor-to-ceiling screens, and a meticulous recreation of a family’s dining room, Teleflora recently...
Mother’s Day Debrief: To Be Open on the Holiday or Not?
Here’s a question most florists have wrestled with at some point: Is it worth it to be open on a Sunday for Mother’s Day? The Society of American...
5 Questions to Ask Your Team the Week After Mother’s Day
Before you decompress from Mother’s Day and while you can still recall details, debrief with staff on what went right, what went wrong and simply...
Pop Culture Picks Up on Women’s Day. Will the Floral Industry?
International Women’s Day on March 8 is making big moves in U.S. pop culture. The blockbuster Marvel Comics superhero film “Deadpool” makes a...
4 Tips to Make Your Holiday Displays Shine
It's time again to deck the halls. Tempting though it may be to simply hang a wreath or some lights and be done with it, you'll draw more customers...
Send Out Holiday Save the Dates
Before you can even say, “Deck the halls,” the holiday season will be once again be upon us. (Funny how time seems to speed up every fall...) You...