LinkedIn is a powerful tool to connect with potential business accounts in your community, but you must be proactive to make an impact. Looking to...
Sharpen Your Social Media Skills
Headed to SAF Orlando 2022 next week? Brush up on your social media skills with resources from the Society of American Florists so you can share the...
5 Resources to Sharpen Your Social Media Skills
Headed to SAF Orlando 2021 in less than two weeks? You may want to brush up on your social media skills so you can share the Outstanding Varieties...
How to Grow Your Business with LinkedIn
With in-person networking events on hold for the foreseeable future, it’s more important than ever to connect with current and prospective clients...
Florists Talk Social Media Tips, Marketing Messages
You made it through the spring holidays — now, what’s your plan for driving sales through the dog days of summer? Next week, as part of its Reignite...
Improve Your Email Marketing Approach in Two Steps
Consider the following scenario: You connect online with the manager of an exclusive wedding venue and then quickly add her to your shop mailing...