As of late August, florists in 36 states and the District of Columbia had notified the Society of American Florists of plans to hold Petal It...
Want Local News Coverage? Petal It Forward on Oct. 24
“Flowers can brighten the day for anyone, but it's even more special when they come for no reason at all,” said WFSB news co-anchor Dennis House as...
Get Your Petal It Forward Event Listed
Do you want to generate local visibility with potential customers, and establish loyalty among existing ones? Do you want to position yourself as a...
Where Will You Petal It Forward on Oct. 24?
Where will you Petal if Forward? On a busy street corner near your shop at rush hour. At a local hospital when visiting hours begin. In the middle...
All Industry Segments Prepare to Petal It Forward on Oct. 24
From growers and wholesalers to importers and retail florists of every size, each sector of the floral industry has a role to play in this year’s...
2018 Petal It Forward Event Set for Oct. 24
The Society of American Florists’ 2018 Petal It Forward campaign date is set for Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018, and now is the time for industry members...
Petal It Forward Prep: Invite Local Reporters and Plan Your Social Media Strategy
Generating traditional and social media coverage on the benefits of flowers is the goal of Petal It Forward, and the Society of American Florists...
2018 Petal It Forward Date Set for Oct. 24: SAF Seeks Industry Participation
For the fourth year in a row, the Society of American Florists is leading the industry in a nationwide feel-good promotional effort that shows...
Petal It Forward Prep: Set the Wheels in Motion
The Society of American Florists’ 2017 Petal It Forward campaign date is set for Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017, and now is the time for suppliers,...
2017 Petal It Forward Date Set for Oct. 11: SAF Seeks Industry Participation
For the third year in a row, the Society of American Florists is leading the industry in a feel-good giveaway that reminds consumers and reporters...
SAF’s Petal It Forward Inspires Charity Event in Idaho
You never know what a difference one bouquet can make — or how much traction a single promotion can have. On October 11, floral industry members in...
SAF’s Petal It Forward Program Wins Distinguished Association Award
Did you hold a Petal It Forward event? You can now say that you participated in an award-winning initiative. The Society of American Florists was...
SAF’s Petal It Forward Generates 81.9 Million Impressions
The Society of American Florists’ feel-good Petal It Forward effort on Oct. 11 reached millions of consumers, reporters and digital influencers,...
Got Petal It Forward Video? Check out AFE’s New Contest
Did you capture footage of smiling happy people giving and receiving flowers during your Oct. 11 Petal It Forward event? It could lead you to some...
Wholesaler Continues Petal It Forward Despite Area Fires
For Tegan Davidson and the staff at Sequoia Floral International in Santa Rosa, California, last week’s Petal It Forward initiative took on added...