Looking for a fun way to show the power of flowers and engage your social media followers and customers? Share this poignant video showcasing the...
Petal It Forward 2017 Creates ROI on ‘Feel Good’ Effect
Call it the do-gooder or feel-good effect: According to a Unilever study, a third of consumers choose to buy from companies that promote...
Petal It Forward Prep: Partner Up
For one florist in Kokomo, Indiana, a one-day, feel-good campaign last year led to happy customers, glowing press coverage  — and requests from her...
Petal It Forward Prep: Get Your Ducks in a Row
For Valerie Lee Ow, participating in the Society of American Florists’ Petal It Forward event last year was a feel-good effort for customers — and...
Petal It Forward Prep:Â Order T-Shirts and Flower Cards
Here’s something Annie Taylor wasn’t expecting during the Society of American Florists’ 2016 Petal It Forward event: a run on bouquets that left her...
Petal It Forward Prep: Logistics Checklist
The countdown is on for Petal It Forward on Wednesday, Oct. 11, and now is the time to prepare, said Society of American Florists Vice President of...
Petal It Forward Prep: Order Flower Cards and T-Shirts
If you haven’t already, now is the time to create and order Petal It Forward logo materials in advance of your Oct. 11 event. The Society of...
Petal It Forward Prep: Scout Your Location
Deciding where to hold your local Petal It Forward event on Oct. 11 deserves attention now. Who do you want to reach? Business professionals?...
Members Save 10% on Crystal Media’s Live Facebook Training Program
Having a hard time keeping up with Facebook? You're not alone. That's why the Society of American Florists partners with Crystal Vilkaitis, a retail...
Members Save 10% on Crystal Media’s Live Facebook Training
Facebook is one of the best social media platforms a business owner can use to build their business. But with constant changes and updates, it feels...
Can a Facebook Contest Lead to New B2B Work?
In Anchorage, Alaska, Bagoy’s Florist & Home may have hit upon a social media contest that drums up engagement online and creates actionable...
SAF Graphics Celebrate Fourth of July Flowers
Remind social media followers to include flowers in their Fourth of July celebrations. The Society of American Florists provides members with seven...
Get in the Mindset for Successful Social Selling in St. Louis
How did a retailer experience an increase in sales of more than 30 percent year over year? How did another retailer see the highest sales day in a...
Do You Deliver ‘Wow’? Find Out How, in St. Louis
When Ford set out to survey the retail landscape at the start of 2017, it found something notable: 48 percent of Americans say they’ll buy more from...
Free WebBlast to Reveal 3 Tips for Social Media Success
Success isn’t just an outcome, it’s a mindset. Crystal Vilkaitis has nailed down the steps to getting in the perfect mindset for social media...